Board Member Information

The Eagan Community Foundation is governed by enthusiastic and committed volunteer members of the Eagan community who are willing to share their skills and expertise. You can review our 2024 Year End Letter here and learn about current board members here.

The Foundation has a “working board” whose members serve on one or more committees that support the strategic goals of the organization. NOTE: We are in the process of launching an Executive Advisory Board - click here for more details and for other ways to volunteer.

Board positions are not paid. Members are expected to contribute “time, talent, and treasure.” We ask all board members to make a financial contribution that makes sense for their own budget.

We invite applications from qualified individuals representing the diversity of the Eagan area and are particularly interested in those who have experience as a staff or board member within a non-profit organization. We also value individuals who are connected to the community in a variety of ways.

Sign up HERE to attend a 90 minute Board Information Session to learn more. The dates offered are below - but if none work for you, email some options or add them in the form:

  • Wednesday, March 12 | 4:00 - 5:30 PM

  • Friday, March 14 | 3:00 - 4:30 PM

  • Tuesday, March 18 | 5:30 - 7:00 PM

If your system prevents you from accessing the form or you’d like more information before you sign up, email

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. We will consider whenever there is a board vacancy.

The highlights:

  • Our next batch of board members will begin in April on April 10th at 6:00 PM

  • Board meetings are monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 6:00 PM. We currently meet at Think Bank at Diffley and Johnny Cake Ridge Rd.

  • Monthly time commitment ranges from 5 to 12 hours a month, depending on the season and the committee(s) you serve on. The average time for a first year board member is 5 hours a month; for a third year board member, it could be up to 12 hours a month.

  • A board term is 3 years. You may serve up to 3 terms (9 years total)

  • Qualified candidates either work in Eagan, live in Eagan or “state that Eagan is the city they most associate with”

  • Note: If you have a senior high school student, they would not be eligible for an Eagan Community Foundation scholarship while you are serving on the board

Each year, two youth members also serve on the board and serve two year terms (Sophomore and Junior years). Members typically come from Eagan High School Interact or other community service groups.

What are we looking for in a board member?

  • Are you excited about our mission of uniting to make Eagan a better place to live, learn, work, and play for all?

  • Do you want to make a positive impact on Eagan through your time and wisdom?

  • Do you have talents and ideas that can help the Eagan Community Foundation grow?

  • Here are some skills that we need (though this isn’t a full list - we want you to bring your unique strengths to our organization!)

Top Priorities

  • Accountant/Finance (CPA, Financial Advisor, Planner, or QuickBooks experience an asset)

  • Information Technology (help with technology for events, google suite management, database/donor management system implementation

  • Marketing and Public Relations (videography, photography, content creation, website)

  • Change Management/Strategic Planning/Organizational Effectiveness

  • General Community Connections: individuals that are well-connected in the community and can open doors for us with potential donors and sponsors

  • Event Planning

  • Program background that aligns with grant priorities (arts, housing, nutrition, youth)


  • Community Connectors

  • Data analytics

  • Fundraising

  • Human Resources

  • Law/Legal Issues

  • Governance

  • Project Management

To apply, please complete the Board Member Application (editable Word version). For more information, please email or call 651-243-1198.