Community Impact Partners
Working with community groups to do big things for Eagan.
One of the ways the Eagan Community Foundation support the community is to serve as the fiscal sponsor for Eagan-based charitable groups that don’t have 501c3 status.
Learn more about our current Community Impact Partners:
Are you part of a community group that is interested in partnering with the Foundation? Groups who will be considered are those:
Whose activities are considered charitable (Section 501(c)(3)) as defined by the Internal Revenue Service;
Whose activities are consistent with the mission and direction of The Foundation;
Whose activities directly benefit and strengthen the Eagan community or specific groups in Eagan, or whose activities represent an Eagan community outreach program for the benefit of other communities;
Who have sufficient community integrity and credibility to be consistent with the Foundation’s role in the Eagan community;
Whose activities will not raise conflict of interest issues for the governance or other activities of the Foundation;
Who enter into a Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement as prescribed by the Foundation;
Who operate in accordance with the terms of the Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement and in accordance with all requirements for charitable organizations;