Leave your legacy
Create an Endowed Scholarship at the Eagan Community Foundation
Would you (as an individual or organization) like to establish a scholarship in perpetuity? You can make a initial gift ($15,000 is the minimum) and we will manage the invested funds and generate an annual scholarship. You decide your criteria, we do everything else. You’ll get to meet your recipient at our annual scholarship event.
This fund type offers many of the advantages of a family/private foundation but with greater tax benefit and fewer restrictions.
The initial gift size and minimum balance must be at least $15,000.
You can use stock, cash, or other assets to establish the Fund.
The minimum scholarship must be $750.
You decide how much risk you’d like to take with the investment profile for your Fund.
Interested in becoming a donor? Complete this donor form (open doc version) and email it to admin@eaganfoundation.org or call (651) 243-1198. Donors can choose up to five different criteria such as:
involvement in a certain program (i.e. a booster club could designate their scholarship to a participant in their program)
future area of study (i.e. STEM, business, journalism, arts)
academic achievement
community involvement
first generation college student or showing perseverance in overcoming a hardship
You can browse other scholarship criteria here. The Foundation charges fund-holders an additional administration fee of 5% of the annual scholarship award amount (i.e. $50 fee on a $1,000 scholarship) to help cover the cost of the awards ceremony, awards booklet for recipients and donors, software, and more.
To learn more, please contact:
Jamie Hopkins | jamie.hopkins@eaganfoundation.org or 651.243.1198
Contributions can be sent to:
Eagan Community Foundation
PO Box 211192
Eagan, MN 55121