Grants Request Policy
The Eagan Community Foundation Grants Program supports nonprofit organizations and efforts that help make Eagan a better place to live, learn, work and play for all. The following outlines the Community Grants Program Grant Request Policy.
The Foundation Board of Directors will determine the amount of funds available on an annual basis. The Foundation Board will establish a Community Grants Selection Committee, which will consider and respond to all requests from the community for funds.
Requests for grants must include all information listed below to be considered; incomplete applications will be returned with a request to complete by the application deadline. Information includes:
• Fully completed Grant Application form, which follows the Minnesota Common Grant Application format (our application had some minor changes for this year)
• Funding Request: A complete description of the request, including the amount requested, the purpose for which the funds will be used, the anticipated outcomes should the grant request be filled, and how filling the grant request will or is likely to benefit the Eagan community
• Tax determination letter from IRS, or any other evidence of tax exempt status*
• Governing body member list with some form of contact information*
• Contact person for follow-up inquiries
• Other background information, as needed and available
*Note: This year requirements are slightly different for school groups, but are similar to past years. See note in application.
The grant application must be submitted in the format prescribed in the application. If this poses an undue burden, please contact us so we may make accommodations.
The following criteria will be used in awarding grants:
• Funds must be used in a way that benefit the Eagan community
• Nonprofit organization, not necessarily formally incorporated if for general community benefit purposes
• Organization does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disabled veteran status, marital status or national origin. If you have questions about programming that serves a very targeted demographic, feel free to contact us.
• Income tax exempt, or fiscal agency relationship with tax exempt
• Mission and purpose of organization or group
• Absence of conflict of interest with Foundation governance and staff
• Within Foundation’s annual budget and annual grant making priorities
The following organizations or activities are ineligible to receive funding from the Eagan Community Foundation:
• Individuals
• Political organizations that promote candidates, issues, causes or campaigns.
• Organizations whose primary purpose is to influence legislation.
• Organizations that are considered “for profit.”
• Religious organizations, except for programs designed to serve the community as a whole without regard to religious affiliation.
Applicants agree that the funds that may be awarded as a result of this application may only be used for the purposes indicated.
• If the funds cannot be used for the intended purpose, the applicant is required to seek approval from the Grants Committee for another use that meets the Community Grant program criteria.
• If not possible, the funds must be returned to the Eagan Community Foundation.
All recipients will be asked to provide:
Formal Report: A formal status report in Word or PDF nine months following the receipt of funding. Specific items to include:
• Report how the money was used
• Describe the outcomes of the project
• Submit digital photographs for inclusion on Foundation website or other materials
20 Second Cell Phone Video Report: A casual* and fun twenty second (max) cell-phone video “report”.
• This should be taken at a peak activity period during the grant. For example: quick footage of an event the grant may have funded, a purchase made possible by the grant, a work in progress, finished product, etc.
• Please quickly describe:
o Which group you represent and your mission
o What grant you received from the Eagan Community Foundation
o How the footage you are sharing relates to the grant
*NOTE: This is meant to be casual and low stress - just a quick visual peek at your grant to inform community members of the great work Eagan’s nonprofits are doing.
The Eagan Community Foundation may promote the events of other organizations, including those that apply for community grants. The Eagan Community Foundation may also invite other organizations to promote the events of the Eagan Community Foundation, including organizations that apply for community grants. The ability or willingness of any organization to promote the events of the Eagan Community Foundation shall not play a role in decisions about recipients or amounts of community grants.
Photo Gallery
Look here to see the outstanding impact that the Community Grants Program has on Eagan residents.