Volunteer Opportunities - Twins Game Concessions

TWINS GAMES: In addition to our usual volunteer events below, we are currently looking for volunteers to help us run a concession stand for Twins games as a fundraising effort. Just a quick a 45-minute online-training and then you’re good to go! To sign up, click here and fill out the top half of our volunteer form. Check the box for Twins and then scroll to the bottom to submit. After you submit your volunteer application, you can check out the available slots on the link to our SignUp Genius where you can volunteer. (Note: This form must be completed in addition to the general volunteering form you just completed.)

There are currently slots for 8 volunteers at each game, but we can add more. The times listed under the "Date" are the start and expected end times for the volunteer shift based on the game time. The "Location" lists the game time and opponent. We are asking that you consider signing up for 2 - 3 games, if at all possible.

What's next? Watch your email for an item from MNfundraising@delawarenorth.com which will give you information to access the required online training. In the meantime, we've attached a number of documents that include a lot more information.

If you have questions, please reach out to Eagan Community Foundation board member Jane Lawrence at janel@eaganfoundation.org or by texting 651.271.6167. We are all learning together, but we want to make this as easy for you as possible, and Jane is ready for all of your questions!

Thank you for your support of the Eagan Community Foundation! We hope you are ready to say, "take me out to the ball game!"

Have a friend who would like to join in the fun? Ask them to complete THIS FORM and we'll invite them to participate as well!