Organizations funded

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In an effort to help nonprofit organizations serving people in particular need because of the COVID-19 crisis, the Eagan Foundation has launched a special grants initiative to support organizations serving Eagan residents.  To date, the fund has awarded $23,000 to community groups that serve Eagan.

These funds will be targeted to nonprofit organizations which help people who are particularly in need because of the COVID-19 crisis as well as organizations that have themselves directly been hurt by the COVID-19 crisis. The Foundation Board of Directors will determine the amount of funds available based on the Foundation’s ability to raise money to support this effort. For organizations that submitted a request for a community grant to the Foundation for the grants awarded in 2020, 2019 or 2018, we are already familiar with you and all we need for this special grants process is a very abbreviated request form.

360 Communities: support for Partners for Success, a program for at risk students (Video Report)

Art Works Eagan: funds for handicap-accessible building improvements

Bowls for Brain Power: clay and glaze for a student/community event to make hand-made pottery bowls Video Report

DARTS: multicultural and diverse books for Learning Buddies program (Video Report)

Dakota Woodlands: school supplies, shoes and activities for homeless children (Video Report)

Eagan Art Festival: materials for “hands-on art activities” for the 2019 Eagan Art Festival (Video Report)

The Link: support and counseling to transition homeless youth into stable housing (Video Report)

Living Well Disabilities: assistive technology to foster independence among people with disabilities

Loaves and Fishes: support for the Eagan dining site that serves healthy meals to people in need (Video Report)

Meals on Wheels in NW Dakota County: for new delivery bags and meal enhancements

Midwest Special Services: funds toward virtual reality headsets for people with disabilities

Open Door: operating support for the food pantry

Park Nicollet Growing Through Grief: for a stress reduction tool kit for students in grief (Video Report)

Reaching Up Ministries: math and science tutoring for high school students

TreeHouse, Inc.: one-to-one mentoring program for at risk teenagers (Video Report)

COVID-19 Response Fund Grants Policy

COVID-19 Response Fund Grant Request Form

More information about the COVID-19 Response Fund